Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Due to the economy...

I think I will stop looking for a vehicle and just get a horse. I mean why not?
You don't have to pay for gas. You get automatic heated seats. They actually respond to you. They don't rattle when you go over the railroad tracks. They don't die at stoplights. Your parking space is a lot smaller. You get to hear the melodious sound of their hooves clippety cloppiting on the road instead of the clankety clank of the muffler hitting the bottom of your car. You can decorate it however you'd like and you won't get in trouble for having objects obstructing your view. You can't get a speeding ticket. If you need air conditioning, ride faster. You can't lock your keys in it while it's running...ehem...moving on. :P You can't loose your keys because you don't have any. Plus, hardly anybody else has one!
What more could you want?!


Kyle said...

One problem, Horses eat.

Melanie said...

I'll take you up on that idea! :-D We'll both go riding together...
Wait, a horse would take a lot longer to get to Minnesota than a car would... :-/
Well, I'll pick up my horse there. :-)

Leah said...

Aw... you do have a point...hm...we've got some softball fields around so I can just take them to the outfield and let them eat that. Or...

I would LOVE to go riding with you! Can we please! I'll have a horse all ready for you when you get here. :)

Jason Hunsicker said...

I say do it Leah. Perfect idea!

Unknown said...

Don't forget that if you live in town Big Gov won't let you have one! Otherwise, perfect idea.

Margaret Dashwood said...

Great idea, Leah!!! I'll go riding too, please??!!:D
