Monday, July 14, 2008

A Summer Evening

Sitting in a chair hammock for the first time. A warm, gentle breeze moving you ever so slightly. A robin singing and thanking God for taking care of him. The slight humming of the air conditioner. The neighbor's barely audible conversation and the slight jingle of their dogs collar. The melodious sound of mom talking to grandma on the cellphone. Mourning doves gently cooing in unison. The setting sun shinning through the garden squash leaves. The buzz of flies and the tickling of ants as they crawl on your feet. Yummy iced tea in a glass bottle by your side. A fabulous book to read. A regency styled dress gently covers your body in red and white flowers. The knowledge that Christ died on the cross and rose again on the third day for our sins, so that we might have eternal life. The smells of the earth and various blooming flowers drifting by on the breeze. Thoughts of being a wife and a mother someday. Praying that the Lord would help me be content to wait until the time is right. The sound of Ethan and Dad playing catch with a baseball. Ana whispering to the dog. The feel of cotton rope suspending you in the air. Thoughts of praise and thanks to the Lord for a pleasant weekend with family and friends. Thoughts of dress patterns. Thanks you Jesus.
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Tiffany said...

It sounds absolutely divine!!!!! :)

Robert said...

That sounds good. I like the fabric of that dress!

Also wish you a belated happy birthday.

Ana said...

That was BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm very inspired right now! This was VERY, VERY, VERY fun to read!!!

N said...

Lovely! :)