Saturday, January 26, 2008

It is in prayer, dear Father,
That we thank You for the people in our life
who cause us to need Your grace so.
We acknowledge that
Your patience,
Your kindness, and
Your goodness enables us to do nothing
harmful, to truly care, and to act out Your
love toward others.

In our pain...our tears...our suffering...
we looking to You, O heart of love.
May we refuse to act or react until we have
again looked at our Savior's action and seen
His patience...His kindness...His goodness.
May we grow in these graces.
In Jesus' name, who came not to be ministered
to but to minister to others...
even to the point of giving His life as
a ransom. Amen.

Elizabeth George, A Woman's Walk with God, pg. 142-143

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