Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It it is in prayer, Father,
That we press ourselves to You,
O All-Sufficient One,
That we order to give,
that we order to praise,
that we order to rest.
We must have our time in the garden.
We must go to Gethsemane...
daily...first...often, if need be.
May we hold high in our hearts and minds
this picture of Jesus in the Garden.
Impress it upon our souls.
May we follow in His steps
and refuse to rise until we have
Your love...Your joy...Your peace.
We pray in Jesus' name, who has taught us how
to pray. Amen

-Elizabeth George, A Woman's Walk With God, pg. 80-81


Kat said...

Beautiful. So True. Such a good reminder. Thank you, sis!

Charleybrown said...

Thanks for sharing that prayer. I had not heard of Elizabeth George before this...