Saturday, January 7, 2012

Silent Song

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
...Deep calls to deep...
By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song
is with me-- a prayer to the God of my life.
Psalm 42:5, 7-8

The son greatly wished to make a "Song of Lovely Things" to sing to his Beloved-- but he could not find singing-words.
He heard the voice of his beloved saying, "You are walking on the road where all who love Me walk.  Some of them walked this way singing, and they've left their songs behind. Find their songs.  Sing their words.  They will be your songs to Me."
 But the son became full of grief, because there come a day when he could find no words to sing-- neither his own, nor those of others.  And yet he wanted with all his heart and soul and mind to ascend to higher places, to stand in the presence of his Beloved....
And He who is love eternal whispered, "Then I, too will approach you, silent in my love."
And the son entered into this silence, to meet the eternal Beloved there....
After a while there was a sound in the gentle stillness, a voice that whispered, "Even your silence is, to Me, a song of lovely things....

My Father, there are reasons why I could feel downcast.
When I think about some parts of my life, it's hard to
pray--even harder to worship in freedom...
...relationships that are difficult...
...dreams and goals that are crumbling...
...old hurts that wound me over and over....
Some parts of me feel cold and wordless.
Is the problem that I've buried some things deep 
inside? Are you patiently calling-- through days and
months-- for me to open up to you at some deeper level?
Today, Father, I trust you to go deeper.

~A. Carmichael, I Come Quietly To Meet You~

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